2nd Week of Newsletter

New Book In The Works

Hey everyone!

A.B. Queen here with a new batch of updates for the week. I am not going to lie, I am pretty proud of myself for getting a second week of this newsletter out. I have good feelings about this newsletter and bringing the bunches of us closer together.

What I Am Working On ✍️

The Curiosity Collection Book #2

I am still slowly chipping away at draft 3 of the second book. It is taking longer than I expected. I have been working with a new schedule and trying to get into the right groove and feel of things.

I usually break down my day by new writing, admin work, and edits. Unfortunately the edit portion of that schedule has fallen off a bit. Hoping to make some progress on it this coming week.

Book 2 Progress

Book 2 Progress

The Curiosity Collection Book #4

Depending on how I look at it, I started a new book in The Curiosity Collection. It is technically the sixth book I have started, but may be book four released sometime next year.

I am pretty excited about this one and currently have three chapters written already (only two days in).

Book 4 Progress

Book 4 Progress

What I Have Learned 🧠

Site Design

This week I completely overhauled my site (check it out here). With the redesign, I migrated to a better host that allows me to accomplish more of my goals with the site. I always struggled on the theme of the site and its appearance. I was never sure how whimsical I wanted it. My audience is primarily middle-grade students and their parents. I believe I have actually achieved the right balance. Something that captures the themes of my books and writing style while also looking professional, mysterious, and not too youthful.

This taught me two things:

  • A better grasp on my brand.

  • The ins and outs of Wordpress (even more than I already knew).

Emotional Triggers

I visited some family this past week and have had some time to reflect on some things that triggered an emotional response from me during the visit. It was all based around productivity and those working remotely (such as myself).

My family have some pretty heavy critiques of work from home, and they began to show and judge this vocally. I didn’t realize it in the moment, but this conversation was a trigger for me. It wasn’t a heated conversation by any means, but definitely different opinions. It took me a little bit to think through the entire scenario after the fact, but I worked hard on trying to understand it, as well as how I can approach it in the future if it ever comes up again.

The human mind is truly a fascinating object. Always surprises me on what we can learn from it.

What I am Reading/Watching/Listening

Novels 📚

I am currently working through Star Wars: Fatal Alliance. To be honest, this one will take me a bit to get through. Not because I have any dislike for it at the moment, but due to my schedule coming up the next couple of weeks and the length of it. I am only a chapter or two in at the moment and I am liking the style so far.

Show/Movie 🎥

All caught up on Silo, so in the meantime we are re-watching Brooklyn 99. This show is always amazing and always tackles topics in such a brilliant way. I will always recommend this show to anyone. Also, probably the best cold opens out there.

Music 🎵

This week has been some calming instrumental music. Nothing in particular, just things that help with relaxation and opening my mind a bit for creativity.

What Inspired Me

My Partner

They are truly an amazing human being. They never stop amazing me and help me through the rough times of the week. Not to mention supporting me through the good times as well. There were countless times this week where they inspired me.

My Item of the Week

Cold Brew

I can’t get enough. It is such an amazing summer time drink.

Also, if you haven’t picked up your copy of The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight, I have placed the links below:

The Rings of Flight by A.B. Queen

Nothing in this week’s newsletter is an affiliate link or sponsored.