A.B. Queen Updates for August

Some cool articles inside

Well, hello there,

It’s a beautiful Saturday evening here in the Writing Cave, and I have a few updates that I wanted to share and get into your mailbox. Of course, you won’t see this until Sunday evening or Monday morning, most likely. But either way, I have things on my mind that I want to share.

Table of Contents

Book Updates

First, let’s get into some book updates. What is published and in the works.

A Hairy Encounter

I have been having some fun with the marketing of my new book, The Curiosity Collection: A Hairy Encounter. While it hasn’t been selling as much as I would like (a common indie author statement), I am truly grateful for all those who have purchased it so far.

However, I have some fun things planned for the fall for A Hairy Encounter. After all, it does take place in the fall.

Cover for A Hairy Encounter by A.B. Queenn

A Hairy Encounter

Lowell and Rudy loved classic scary movies, but this changed when the movies they loved became their reality.

Not only were Lowell and Rudy best friends, they were also twins. They shared everything. The same food, the same games, even the same taste in movies. Until, one day, they woke up with unique abilities. Abilities that set them apart from everyone else. With their bond stronger than ever, they felt invincible, but new gifts can come at a steep cost. As they try to uncover the mystery and origin of their abilities, people around town grow suspicious, catching the attention of the government. The twins must use their new abilities and race against the clock before their secrets are discovered and they cause destruction beyond repair.

The Curiosity Collection #3

As for books in the works, I have been making some excellent progress in that realm.

TCC Book 3 Progress Bar

I have officially finished the first draft of the third Curiosity Collection. I had a blast writing this one, and I think it is the perfect addition to The Curiosity Collection.

I am currently on draft two and should get through draft three this week. I can then send it off to some beta readers and make some further edits shortly after that. I am aiming for a November release. Which is a little behind my original plan, but hey, that’s self-publishing for ya.

Untitled New Book (Series)

I have also been working on a new series that I can release some time next year. Well, at least the first book or two. I have yet to come up with a title for the series, but I am about 35% through the first book.

Untitled New Book/Series Progress Bar

I have been thinking about giving it a code name. You know, like they do for movies. Like Return of the Jedi was Blue Harvest? I don’t know, I will think about it and maybe have something by the next newsletter.

Either way, I currently have the series roughly outlined for about five novels with the first novel having a fifty-four-page outline. I am not sure if it will be middle-grade or young adult. I think it falls somewhere in between at the moment.

Untitled OTHER New Book (Series)

As a writer, I constantly have new ideas and series out there that I want to work on. I mean, if I’m honest, I have about six novels in the works at the moment, some I don’t know if I want to continue or save for later. Either way, I recently started outlining a new sci-fi series that will most certainly be a young adult. My goal is an early 2026 release. More to come as I figure it out.

Life Updates

I have had an interesting summer so far. It’s been a somewhat productive summer, but some of it was sideswiped by some health concerns. I had some blood work done in May that resulted in the findings of many other things. Some of it is reversible with lifestyle change while others are not reversible, and I need to just keep an eye on it.

However, these health updates have provided me with some new insight into my current habits and routines, especially those that revolved around my liver and back. Nothing terrible right now, just healthier eating and the strengthening of the core while limiting specific activities.

For instance, I took up Aikido last year, but am now not able to continue as it is too impactful on my back. While it is a bummer as I was really enjoying Aikido, it has allowed me to visit other options and new interests. I am still testing some of them out, but I am hopeful it brings me the same amount of joy that the skill of Aikido did.

Writing Updates (Non Book)

I have been pretty active on my site and writing articles. I won’t get into the details of my routine here with that, but will rather place the articles below for your enjoyment.

Articles and Lists


What Inspired Me

There are many things that inspire me every single day. However, in the past few weeks, there are three things that have specifically inspired me.

The first is my nephew and the amazing human he is growing up to be. In the past year or two, he has found his footing and voice as an individual and is proud to fly his geek flag. Which in turn of course makes me pretty damn happy!

The second is his mother, my sister. She has one of the biggest hearts that I know of. She is always worried about those around her and making sure they have everything they need. This includes the countless stray cats she has rescued and found homes for.

Which leads me to my third inspiration. Our newest family member Miss Kiki.


Named by my nephew after Kamala Khan. She is a spitfire that has brought an incredible amount of happiness and joy to my partner, myself, our cat Peps, and our dog Ollie.

Well, I think that is it for this week. Be kind, be creative, and be safe.

Also, if you haven’t picked up your copy of The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight, I have placed the links below:


***Please note that links in this newsletter contain product affiliate links. At no extra cost to you, I may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links.