Did I just discover a new fear?

Yup, I think I did.

Hey everyone!

A.B. Queen here with a new batch of updates for the week.

What I Am Working On ✍️

The Curiosity Collection Book #2

I feel so guilty for the delay in the edits on this one. I haven’t prioritized it above my writing, so the October deadline is becoming a bit more terrifying and daunting. However, I have a good feeling this week. As long as I set an hour a day aside for editing, we will be in good shape.

The Curiosity Collection Book #4

I am moving along on this one. A bit slower the past few days due to a family reunion, but still moving along. I had a good long think the other day when I hiked to the top of a mountain (for reals) and decided that the original story of the book isn’t what I want at this moment. However, I decided to just lean in on the current path of the story. This is a common thing to happen when I am not a strict outliner on many of my stories.

What I Have Learned 🧠

A Whole New Level of Fear

Ok, so we drove through the Rocky Mountain National Park yesterday. It was the first time for me to ever do this. We were driving from west side to east side of The Rockies. I had no idea what to expect. I grew up in the Smokey Mountains and learned how to drive through those mountains. However, getting to the summit of the Rocky Mountains had to be one of the most terrifying moments of my life.

Now, I am not sure if it was due to no guardrails, the heights, or the fact that I had other people and creatures to be concerned about in the vehicle with me. Whatever it was, it was a whole new level of fear, it actually never even turned into adrenaline like these things often do with me. As the driver of the car, I was just worried about the safety of my passengers.

So, ultimately I have discovered a new fear of mine. Now, I can move on and learn how to face them and conquer them.

What I am Reading/Watching/Listening

Novels 📚

I am still working through multiple books right now:

  • Star Wars: Fatal Alliance = 5% Completion (Paperback)

  • Timeline - Michael Crichton = 30% Completion (Paperback)

I made sure to purchase Andy Sirkis's version of The Silmarillion

Show/Movie 🎥

Re-watching Community at the moment on the little downtime that I have. This show has such an amazing format and writing style. I pretty much use it as a case study now.

Music 🎵

John Mayer live at Nokia Theater.

I am feeling that blues.

What Inspired Me


I was just unlocking all of my achievements with first-time animal sightings this past week.

  • Magpie

  • Jackrabbit

  • Fox

  • Elk

Rocky Mountain Elk

The Stanley Hotel

Being a fan of The Shining, I have always wanted to see the place that inspired Stephen King. As we came down the Rocky Mountain, we stopped in Estes Park so I could quickly see The Stanley Hotel. Now, we didn’t go in as we were on a time crunch and had a dog in the car, but just seeing it from a distance was incredibly inspiring. I already have ideas roaming around in my head that was inspired by its beauty.

My Item of the Week

Something that was essentially a lifesaver for me. Any packet of electrolytes that you add to your water. These little devils drastically helped me the past week. I was pushing pretty hard on the hiking and came back one day pretty sick. I am pretty sure it was dehydration and too much sun. So, I have been keeping hydrated with some little additive packets and have been feeling so much better before, during, and after each hike.

The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight, will be available as part of a promotion on Smashwords for the month of July as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! This is a chance to get my book, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.

You will find the promo here starting on July 1, so save the link:

Please share this promo with friends and family. You can even forward this email to the avid readers in your life!

Thank you for your help and support!

Happy reading!

Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale

Also, if you haven’t picked up your copy of The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight, I have placed the links below:

The Rings of Flight by A.B. Queen