My First Writer's Convention

So Much To Learn At Inkers Con 2023

Hey everyone!

A.B. Queen here with a new batch of updates for the week.

What I Am Working On ✍️

The Curiosity Collection Book #2

Okay, this past week was pretty great with progress. However, the bar is actually pushed back from 56% to 50%, this is due to the amount I have added to this book. As I mentioned last week, a few thousand words would most likely be added. Well, that was true and I think I will actually need another thousand or so.

Draft 3 Progress Curiosity Collection #2 50%

Short Stories

I did it! I finished a Longhand short story! Now, I have already gone through and made some notes on what I want to add and or remove, but for now, let’s enjoy the 100% marker on draft 1.

Draft 1 Short Story progress 100%


I actually don’t have an image for this one at the moment, but I wanted to let you know that I wrote another article this week called:

Why The Big Bang Theory Is A Great Study For Writers — The Cast Dynamic

It goes into just one of the formulas for the show as well as why it works so well. It will probably be part of a series of articles I have in my mind.

You can check it out on Medium or Queenswrite

What I Have Learned 🧠

The Path to Success

Wow! I have expanded my brain muscles a great amount this past weekend. I have so many more incredibly exciting things to learn. You see, I signed up for InkersCon 2023, and I have been blazing through the panels. I believe I have completed around five so far.

I have learned a great amount about TikTok for authors, 6-figure and 7-figure possibilities, direct sales, career path manifestation techniques and ideology, and so much more just through some research.

I will say, this has been well worth its expense. The knowledge being shared is endless and I look forward to putting it to use going forward.

I think the biggest thing that I have heard throughout the first weekend of the conference, is that everyone’s path to success is different. I mean, I always knew this, this wasn’t a surprise to me. However, what I am learning from this is how to use my gut. A consistent message in the author community is to follow your gut. If you don’t like something and if it doesn’t feel right, you don’t need to do it. You can say no.

It’s an odd feeling realizing you don’t need to say yes to everything. Not that I will always say no, but if my gut feels that it isn’t the right fit for me, I can remember that it is my life, my career, and my choice to say no.

For the next six months, I am going to be working on what feels right and what doesn’t. Training my gut within this new world I am venturing into and making sure I don’t get lost along the way. It would be very easy to get lost in this world, especially when I am doing just about everything myself (Except final edits and cover designs).

I want to make sure I enjoy the process for the long haul. This needs to be a sustainable career. If I start doing things I don’t enjoy, and often, I can easily lose track of why I love to write and share stories in the first place. Which means I need to train this muscle early.

The key is to use the word “No” in an uplifting and empowering way. It doesn’t need to mean “I don’t want to and how dare you ask me”, but rather “That sounds great, and I am going to focus on this thing for the time being instead.”

Summary: Take the word “No” and turn it to “Yes, and…”.

What I am Reading/Watching/Listening

Novels 📚

As always, I am still working through multiple books right now.

  • Star Wars: Fatal Alliance = 5% Completion (Paperback)

  • Timeline - Michael Crichton = 100% Completion (Paperback)

  • The Psychology of Zelda - Anthony M. Bean Ph.D. = 100% Completion (Audiobook)

  • The Backyard Adventurer - Beau Miles = 62% Completion (eBook)

  • Smoke and Mirrors - Neil Gaiman = 50% Completion (Audiobook)

  • Another…Escaping Time - Scott N. Beauchamp = 4% Completion (Paperback)

Show/Movie 🎥

  • Richie Rich (1994)

    • Still enjoying that 90s vibe. Though let’s be honest, I am almost always trying to relive the 90s.

    • This movie brought back so many memories, and I am surprised I remembered as much as I did for not seeing it in 20 years. Richie’s parents and family are truly amazing. Really what many billionaires should be like. Many of the billionaires should take a lesson from the movie.

  • Conan: The Barbarian

    • I must admit, I don’t think I have ever fully seen this movie. I am not fully through it yet, but I am enjoying it. So many classic 80s vibes going on. Has a much more complex beginning than I expected. Was thinking it would be more rushed.

  • The Last Airbender

    • I have never fully watched this one through the end and only really watched a handful of episodes each season. It will take me a bit, but it is now my Saturday morning cartoon for the foreseeable future

What Inspired Me

Thing 1

Engagement with other indie authors. I am not always the most social and outgoing individual. I mean, a lot of writers tend to not be. Though, I am making more of an effort to comment and engage on other authors’ and readers’ posts. This week I had some very pleasant interactions with Scott N. Beauchamp (author of Another…Escaping Time).

It was refreshing to share thoughts and pleasantries with other humans with similar interests. I am pretty siloed in my current 9-5 job and talk to the same three people each day. While they are kind of nice…most of the time, they are also not interested in anything beyond work. Corporate worlds, am I right?!

So, if you feel like reaching out on social media, please do. I would love to hear from you! Also, mention this newsletter so l know you aren’t just spam ;)

My Item of the Week

Dipped ice cream cones. I know, it is an odd one. However, it has been really hitting the spot this week with my sugar cravings. Also, with summer in full swing, you should treat yourself to a dipped ice cream cone. It really brings summer to life.

Grab a cone, sit in a park, and enjoy the little things in life.

Now is your best chance to find my book, The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight available for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my book and many more at all month! #SWSale2023 #Smashwords

Also, if you would like a copy of The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight from another store I have placed the links below:

The Rings of Flight by A.B. Queen