New Stories and a Day Later

Sending this out late. My bad.

Hey everyone!

A.B. Queen here with a new batch of updates for the week.

My apologies for the delay. I actually forgot what day it was. This past week was a busy week. I simultaneously got a good amount completed and nothing completed. While I was out west (I am back home now), there were a good amount of severe storms, firework celebrations, and many other loud and scary noises that had me in the car with my pup as it is the only thing that calms them during those scary times.

However, I am back home, at my desk, and ready to get things done.

What I Am Working On ✍️

The Curiosity Collection Book #2

I was able to carve out about an hour for editing last week. The guilt is starting to really make its way into my mind for not working on this one more.

Short Stories

I did however make some pretty incredible progress on a couple of short stories.

First, I have the updated versions of the Postcard Series. A weekly series that follows the lives of two individuals during uncertain times. Filled with fantasy, mystery, and even some action.

Postcards 1 & 2 are online, with a new one being released each Saturday.

Postcard Series Promo Banner

Longhand Short Story

Then, I am making progress on draft one of my short story I am writing entirely in Longhand first.

Longhand Short Story Update Graph

Next, we have a new short story where I challenged myself to write something in 100 words or less.

Wishful Thinking Short Story Image

What I Have Learned 🧠


Well, ok, that is a bit misleading. However, I have started the journey to learn the Italian language. I do not currently speak any language beyond English, but have always wanted to learn many languages and have even had many thoughts of someday being a linguist of some kind.

Italian to me was a no-brainer as a family member is also learning Italian and it would be great practice to learn together. They are much further ahead of me, but with enough practice, I should be able to catch up.

Plus, as a writer, learning other languages will only benefit my writing and career.

What I am Reading/Watching/Listening

Novels 📚

As always, I am still working through multiple books right now. Though, a bit of a slower week due to lots of travel by car.

  • Star Wars: Fatal Alliance = 5% Completion (Paperback)

  • Timeline - Michael Crichton = 75% Completion (Paperback)

  • The Psychology of Zelda - Anthony M. Bean Ph.D. = 25% Completion (Audiobook)

  • Firefight - Brandon Sanderson = 50% completion (Audiobook)

Show/Movie 🎥

  • Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.

    • I loved everything about this movie. Also, it was not what I expected. More comedic and silly at times, and I was here for it.

Music 🎵

What Inspired Me

My Family

More specifically, the kindness of my partner’s parents. Their kindness, hospitality, and just being good humans knows no bounds. They are truly an inspiration. It is no wonder I wish to spend as much time around them as I possibly can. I want to be like them when I grow up.

My Item of the Week

Not really an item, but a service. The A/C repair specialist. Life saver! Unbelievable amount of respect for their knowledge and trade.

Now is your best chance to find my book, The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight available for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my book and many more at all month! #SWSale2023 #Smashwords

Also, if you would like a copy of The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight from another store I have placed the links below:

The Rings of Flight by A.B. Queen