Productivity Forgiveness

Stop Being So Hard On Myself

Hey everyone!

A.B. Queen here with a new batch of updates for the week.

What I Am Working On ✍️

The Curiosity Collection Book #2

So, I was actually able to put some time to the side this past week to edit some more of this one. I am feeling pretty good about the course of this book. I have made a couple of changes and have to add in a chapter or two, but I know it will be for a deeper and richer story.

Progress of Book #2

The Curiosity Collection Book #4

Things are moving along. Though, for a bit, it was kind of in reverse. I did a bit of deep thinking on this one and through that thinking, I had to reduce some former chapters. However, I think it is on a much better trajectory.

Progress of Book #4

Short Stories

I have a couple of things in the works here that will be available to read on my site within the week and month.

Postcard Stories

The Postcard Stories is a weekly mystery, adventure, and fantasy series that follows the communications between two people in an uncertain and dangerous world.

I had these posted once before, but I have done some work on the imagery of the series and should have the first posted this coming Saturday (July 8th). Though, this depends on my travel schedule.

New Short Story

I am currently writing another fantasy-based short story and am making good progress on draft 1. I am writing this one in longhand and have a good amount of the pages completed so far. I should have this one available to read on the site sometime this month.

Progress of Short Story

What I Have Learned 🧠

Productivity Forgiveness

So, for the past two weeks, I have been on vacation out west. Naturally, as a writer, I figured I would get an incredible amount of reading and writing completed while out here. After all, we only had plans to do some hiking each day and that was it. Wow, was I wrong!

This got me thinking about my expectation of productivity. You see, I have a personal mindset (one that isn’t terribly healthy) to associate my value with my productivity. Like I said, not really healthy. I get really down on myself if I don’t get everything done that I planned on getting done. For example, if I set a goal to write 1000 words each day, I will become upset with myself if I don’t achieve this goal. This is something I am working on and have been working on for some time now.

While I may not be getting as much completed as I expected, I am working pretty hard on not being too tough on myself. I have to remind myself multiple times throughout the day that I am on vacation and I should treat it as such. This honestly stems from years of working a full-time job and finding the little times throughout the day on working on my dream career. This includes the free time I would have on vacation. I have come to realize if I don’t finish a project within my time frame (that myself and only myself set), then there should be no issue or worry. I need to enjoy the vacation, surroundings, and family.

After all, the ultimate goal in my career is to live life like a relaxed vacation. So, if I can’t find the time to do that while on vacation, I won’t be able to do that later in life either.

What I am trying to say, is to relax, breathe, and enjoy the little things.

What I am Reading/Watching/Listening

Novels 📚

I am still working through multiple books right now:

  • Star Wars: Fatal Alliance = 5% Completion (Paperback)

  • Timeline - Michael Crichton = 60% Completion (Paperback)

  • Magic 2.0 - An Unwelcome Quest - Scott Meyer = Complete (Audiobook)

  • The Psychology of Zelda - Anthony M. Bean PhD = 20% Completion (Audiobook)

Show/Movie 🎥

Bad Times At The El Royale

This movie was amazing, but darker than I expected.

Music 🎵

Some Synthwave Collections.

Feeling that 80s vibe right now.

What Inspired Me



My Item of the Week

Sweetwater Brewery patio in Fort Collins. Was a pretty relaxed and chilled place to have a good drink. (Please drink responsibly)

Smashwords Sale

Now is your best chance to find my book, The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight available for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! Find my book and many more at all month! #SWSale2023 #Smashwords

Also, if you would like a copy of The Curiosity Collection: The Rings of Flight from another store I have placed the links below:

The Rings of Flight by A.B. Queen